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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Age of Warring Empire- Arena Stat compare

I recently received a question about the Stat compare section of the arena. This section is only visible when you lose a battle. You have the option to replay the battle(far right bottom) or to view the Stats section. There are two tabs in the stats section. One is the main page trying to sell you things. The other is the Stat compare tab.

Stat Compare:
Soldier Quantity: How many soldiers you have active in the arena
Cast Iron Level: How many times you have used cast iron to level up your troops
Hero Level: The levels of all your arena heros together
Hero Rating: How many stars your arena heros have together
Gem Rating: The Star rating of all of your active Gems
Gem Exp: The experience of all your gems combined, you will have had to synthesize some gems for this to have a number.


  1. Never really bothered to check this out before! will definitely do from now on, very useful info by the way, don't know how i've missed it.

  2. I have level 7, 5, 4, 3 gems and they are all 3 or stared but my gem rating and gem experience is always 0 y is this

  3. I dunno, I watch people spend thousands on gems and when they show thier cards, they have way more damage and attack, and I whoop thier butt all day long in arena. My guess is they capped on thier damage and defense and nommater how many gems they buy they wont get stronger til they level. My cards are half the stats of some and lower gems and I sit at 1st or 2nd place in arena. If anyone starts to beat me I just get expx2 cards and lvl up a few times then I sit back and watch them buy a thousand bucks worth of gems again and laugh. If you know the answer to this let me know if im wrong.
