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Friday, November 7, 2014

Mergers-Nov 2014

As many of you have probably noticed a lot of servers are being merged. This generally happens with little or no warning from the Developers. Mergers usually happen in order, currently up to 133 have been merged or skipped. Makes devs decide  to merge a server? Like everything else in this game MONEY. If a server is still profitable it is not merged.

Some common problems result after a merge:
Achievements reset
Invite codes reset
Missing Gems
Missing Heros
Missing Alliance points
Not able to withdraw from an alliance
Missing Items
Missing Equipment

So if you think you are about to be merged ss everything you don't want to lose, make sure that your nickname is visible as well as time and date. These are helpful when making an argument about lost items but not definable proof.

There is only 1 Gm per server so even if you had one Gm on your server before that does not guarantee that they will be your GM after a merge. It also takes time for the Green chat to come back so don't be a jerk in case they really are a GM :D

A good indicator of a server merge is no new events. merging while events are running makes it more difficult to keep everyone happy.

If you have cities on several of the merged servers your old cities can be accessed via the existing account login, accountname_###s where the ### is the number of the server you are trying to get on.


  1. This blog has very less info compared to one we are asked to move from to here.. I would like to see new upcoming hero's and other posts here too like in the previous blog..

    1. Sean will be posting be information here as he gains that information please be patient.

  2. Okay also odds about Tavern lately I have seen people getting 6star hero's from free silver refresh too and regularly getting 5star hero's skilled.. And I have not got even one 5star skilled hero not even 4star.. Lol. Any suggestions?

    1. only thing to help with tavern is to do it more, I have the odds that I have calculated so far posted in the left column under "tavern odds" 5*'s show up a lot in the system announcements because they are guaranteed in a deca draw. a while back I was having luck with not doing my tavern draw except once a week. this seemed to increase the odds slightly. though with being able to get puzzle points I have returned to drawing as often as possible.

  3. I want dev not reset in inviting code, gems, heroes, items, and equipment point.
    U know, lot of us have been spend lot of our times our money and our energy. So what the hell is reset ?
    Its showed that dev is greed

    1. the resetting of items is not supposed to happen it is a glitch that happens to some players. So to safeguard yourself and your items take screenshots before a merge that will help you prove that you have those items.
