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Sunday, November 1, 2015



Sun God - Apollo
Silver Bow: Each round Apollo attacks 2-5 times, striking random (enemy) targets, dealing 40% damage with each attack.
Battle Hymn of Victory: All allies\' attack +5%


Lumberjack Contest

1. During the event, all players on your server challenge the Ent, and based on how many rounds you fight, you earn prizes and climb in the rankings! Each time the Ent is defeated (by anyone), its level will increase.
2. Each Ent require you to use up one axe to cut it down. You are granted an axe every 2 hours, and can hold up to 3 axes at a time.
NOTE: you recover 100% of troop casualties from event-related battles.


1.The ents are powerful! All we ask is that you try to hold out a few rounds.
2. Each attack will only deal 1 damage to the ent.
3. Even-numbered levels will be more difficult.

The Power of Gemini

1. A 6-Star Gemini can be merged with a 6-Star Capricorn or 6-Star Sagittarius to form a new hero with the two heroes\' abilities!
2. After the merging, a new hero will be produced, and the "material" heroes will be gone. The new hero will be level 1, with a rebirth count of 0.
3. Only idle heroes will be displayed as usable. Make sure heroes you wish to use are not marching, garrisoned, training, etc. Once they are idle, they should be selectable.

Xmas Store

1. Buy a bunch of one item all at once! The higher the quantity, the greater the discount!
2. Store items will refresh at set intervals.


Zodiac Heroes Pack
Once used, will give you a 6-star Gemini, Capricorn, or Sagittarius (chosen at random).


Set Store (Hero_SetofEquipment_Store)

1. Refreshing the set costs %d gold, and will earn you 1 set stone.
2. Set stones can be exchanged for set equipment at the set store.

Set stone
Set stones can be exchanged at the Set store for set items.
To earn: Refresh the set for %d gold, and will earn you 1 set stone.

1. Choose a primary and secondary guardian beast to undergo experience exchange.
a) Normal exchange: the primary and secondary beasts will exchange %1$d%% of their experience values.
b) Perfect exchange: The primary and secondary beast will exchange 100%% of their experience values.
2. Experience exchange will consume gold goins.  The higher the level of the secondary beast, the higher the cost in gold coins.
3. The secondary beast must have a higher level than the primary beast.

When a hero equipping this set dies, it has a %d%% chance to resurrect 30%% troops (up to once/battle).

4. Warning! You will not be refunded any gem experience for decomposing gems above level 1.

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