I joined a new server 125-Honorius(v4). If anyone would like to come join me I'm playing under the name Dedo and do not have an alliance at this time. Invite code 5ap9981514. Happy gaming everyone!
Invite codes must be used within 3 days of the account being created. You get one gold coin for using someone elses code. But that person will gain many gold coins as you level. So by adding my code you will all be helping me greatly!
Information about the game Age of Warring Empire for android devices. There is a serious lack of information about this game online my goal is to change that. I would love to have feedback or even comments on what you would like me to look into next. I update blog at least once a week so please follow to keep up to date!
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Basic Tower Guide- Dec 2013
Some basic tips on getting through the Tower:
- Troops are numbered in their attack order 1-4 in this way you can figure out which of your troops will get hit. You always get to start first, so your "1" will attack in front of him, if their is nobody in front of him they will attack up then down but always the troops in the front. then their "1" will attack in front of them or above then below. If you have already killed their "1" then their "2" will attack. Then your "2" then theirs and so on. Paying attention to the attack order can save you a lot of troops in the long run.
- Use sacrificial troops. I am an advocate of the 2&2 method. I have 2 defensive heros and 2 attacking heros. My attacking heros I attempt to position where they will take no damage. If one has to take damage I use the one with the highest defense rating. My defensive troops consist of 2 heros each leading 3 archers. I use archers because they cost the least in materials. I use 3 troops because even if you loose all 3 in one battle you will still regenerate 2 of them thus you get 3 rounds without having to replenish your troops. In this way you can hopefully make it through each fight loosing only 2 troops.
- Defensive troops make an excellent way to quickly level new heros. After each battle all heros who participated each gain the same amount of experience. So it doesn't matter that they can only command 50 troops you only need them to command 3.
- There is a correlation with the amount of troops you loose and the experience you gain. I am working on the numbers currently but do not have enough data to say for certain. But I can say the more troops you loose the more experience you will gain. So if you are not worried about troop loss then equip your max on each hero and rack up that experience.
- [EDIT] The correlation seems to work like this:
- less then 100 troops fought gets you 1 EXP, 100-199 troops fought gets you 2 EXP, 200-299 troops fought gets you 3 EXP.
- Thats the basic formulation, now on top of those numbers you also get 1 additional EXP per permanent troops loss of yours. So the ones that are resurected do not count towards the EXP number.
- EXAMPLE: you kill 243 of their troops but loose 2 troops in the process you would have 5 EXP per hero.
- In a few weeks I will start posting the Average troops per battle per tower level and you can calculate the best level to suit your needs.
Monday, December 16, 2013
What would you all like researched?
Well apparently I just needed a four month break from the game. I have re-installed and restarted. So what would you guys like researched? analyzed? I am not planning on sinking a lot of money into the game if any this time around. But would be more then happy to take suggestions on statistics you are interested in. Or general game information that has not been explained properly beforehand. I am planning on going through the old information and updating it where it needs it with the new changes that have been implemented. I will be posting new posts with the new information so it will be easier to find and identify.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Hero Rebirth
Last Updated: 12/03/13
Hero Rebirth
Effective 12/3/13, AOWE introduced hero rebirth which replaced the synthesize feature. As a result, heroes can now be reincarnated into super heroes with higher growth rates and a new special skill by consuming other "material" heroes with the same name. A side effect of this new feature may be the relative weakening of special heroes as common special 4-star and normal 5-star heroes are reincarnated various times to match them. Nonetheless, those willing to sacrifice gold heroes in the pursuit of gold empowered perfection, may yield legendary creations.
Rebirth Quick Summary:
- Heroes can be reincarnated an unlimited number of times.
- After rebirth, your hero will increase in growth rate depending on the hero level and growth rate of the "material" hero being consumed.
- Growth rate increases stop after the 3rd rebirth.
- After rebirth your hero will gain a random Resist skill. This skill changes after every rebirth.
- After rebirth your hero's name will gain a color (Green -> Blue -> Purple) depending on the hero's level of reincarnation.
To begin the procedure, simply click the angel icon within the hero menu highlighted below.
![]() |
Select the angel icon to proceed. Starting stats: Lvl 61 Aries- 4B, 23GR (Note: Click the images to view larger versions. When finished, click the "x" on the top right to close the larger previews) |
After selecting the angel icon, the rebirth menu (shown below) will appear. Here you can select the hero you'd like to reincarnate, which will appear in the highlighted area.
![]() |
Select the hero you'd like to enhance. |
Rebirth Levels
The requirements for rebirth are slightly different for each level so choose your enhanced heroes carefully.
- Level 1 Rebirth: The reincarnated hero must be at least level 30 and the hero consumed cannot be a previously reincarnated hero (since that would make it a higher rebirth level hero).
- Level 2 Rebirth: The reincarnated hero must be at least level 60 and the hero consumed cannot be of a higher rebirth level
- Level 3 Rebirth: The reincarnated hero must be at least level 90 and the hero consumed cannot be of a higher rebirth level.
Note: These rules would suggest that a higher level rebirth hero can use similar leveled rebirth or lower reincarnated heroes as material. Ex: A blue hero could use a green hero as material or a green hero could use another green hero as material. I will update this guide as soon as I can confirm whether either instance or both are true.
After selecting the hero you'd like to enhance, the menu will
automatically change to show all the heroes that can be used for
consumption (shown below). Take note that the desired reincarnated hero will be listed first with all the potential material heroes listed below that. Choose the hero you'd like to consume (which
will be placed into the "consume" section) and select the angel
icon on the bottom right to begin the rebirth process. Make sure the material hero is at least level 90 to maximize the increase in growth rate (more detailed explanation below).
![]() |
Choose the material hero you'd like to consume. |
Hero Consumption
Choose your material hero very carefully. The resulting increase in growth
rate for the enhanced hero depends on the hero level of the material
hero and their growth rate. This is why it is always recommended to use level 90 or above heroes for consumption during all 3 initial phases of rebirth.
- If the material hero is level 0-49, the enhanced hero will gain 10% of the material hero's growth rate.
- If the material hero is level 50-89, the enhanced hero will gain 20% of the material hero's growth rate.
- If the material hero is level 90+, the enhanced hero will gain 30% of the material hero's growth rate.
Also Note: During each rebirth, the enhanced hero cannot gain more than 30% (rounded down) of its own growth rate in the process. In other words, there is a max growth rate enhancement cap during each rebirth, which is highlighted next to "(Max)". In the top image shown above, the max would be an additional +6 which would require another hero of similar growth rate to achieve. The actual growth increase was +5 Gr (portrayed in the bottom image above).
After choosing your material hero and selecting the angel icon on the bottom right, the game will present you with the choice to pay gold (10, 20, 30/40 gc) to maintain your hero's level or to synthesize for free (which will reduce your hero's level down to level 1).
If you pay the gold in order to keep your hero's level the same, your hero's
attack and defense will be automatically recalculated higher according to the
new growth rate. If not, it will decrease to reflect your hero's new level. All enhancements and prior abilities will be retained whether the hero's level is reset or not.
![]() |
Choose whether to maintain your hero's level after reincarnation or to let it reset back to level 1. |
![]() |
Done! |
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The end result: Level 1 Aries- 4B, 28 GR |
There are no limits on the number of rebirths a hero can undergo, however after the 3rd rebirth, your hero's growth rate will no longer increase and its color will not change. But, the hero's randomly acquired skill will continue to change, so undergoing rebirth is a simple way to switch between the skill types if another skill is desired.
Note: after a hero has reached the 3rd phase of rebirth the material hero's level and growth rate no longer matter (since the reborn hero's gr is locked); so heroes of any level can be used as material when attempting to acquire a new skill.
Note: after a hero has reached the 3rd phase of rebirth the material hero's level and growth rate no longer matter (since the reborn hero's gr is locked); so heroes of any level can be used as material when attempting to acquire a new skill.
Acquired Resist Skills
After rebirth your hero will acquire a random version of one of the following resist skills. 1, 2 and 3 star Heroes can only learn the 1st tier resist skills. Normal 4 and 5 star heroes can only learn the 2nd tier resist skills. Special 4 and 5 star heroes can learn all 3 tiers of resist skills. The most powerful resist skills can only be gained through multiple rebirths.
Tier 1 Rebirth Resist Traits
- Resist - Rome: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Rome Heroes by 5%
- Resist - Persia: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Persian Heroes by 5%
- Resist - Greece: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Greek Heroes by 5%
- Resist - Single: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of one random Hero by 10%
- Resist - Couple: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of two random Heroes by 5%
- Resist - All: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Heroes by 3%
- Resist - Rome: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Rome Heroes by 10%
- Resist - Persia: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Persian Heroes by 10%
- Resist - Greece: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Greek Heroes by 10%
- Resist - Single: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of one random Hero by 20%
- Resist - Couple: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of two random Heroes by 10%
- Resist - All: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Heroes by 6%
- Resist - Rome: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Rome Heroes by 15%
- Resist - Persia: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Persian Heroes by 15%
- Resist - Greece: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Greek Heroes by 15%
- Resist - Single: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of one random Hero by 30%
- Resist - Couple: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of two random Heroes by 15%
- Resist - All: Before battle, has a 50% chance to reduce the attack and defense of all Heroes by 9%
Monday, October 7, 2013
Expanding your Empire!! (Overview guide)
Some people don't know what to do to expand their Empire, after completing dailies. I personally got many messages in game regarding, how I am able to expand very fast and how come I have very good defense and attacking army. This might take a few days to get started with first task.
- Make a decent army and conquer wilds to get you going. Get good supplies of everything and keep updating your Quarry, Sawmill, Iron Mine and Farm according to your needs. You can check Hourly production by clicking on top bar, where all the Resources are numbered.
- Get low level Strongholds and let the copper coins flow. You need Copper Coins for pretty much everything.
- Do Arena Daily and complete all 15 chances.
- Keep updating your Warehouse, So that you won't lose any resources.
- If production is low for any resource, get a higher level wild for that or upgrade that in Technology.
- Do Some levels of Magic tower daily. If you start loosing a large number of troops, update your Hero as well as your City Wall.
- Upgrading your Buildings gives you Prestige. So keep updating buildings. Update your City Hall once in a week, if you are progressing well.
- After making a decent army around level 13-14 and getting enough copper coins, try finding good targets or inactive targets and attack their city after scouting first.
- Get more wilds and strongholds and more army and more Magic Tower.
- Keep leveling up your Heroes. More level they have, more number of troops they can have. Helps a lot in Arena.
- If you consecutively login for 7 days, You get Advanced Refresh Coupons as a reward every week. With that you can get 3-4-5 stars heroes in tavern under refresh coupon menu.
- Try getting 4 Heroes of same Legion.
- Enhance your Infantry.
If you have any further questions regarding anything, Ask me.
I go by the name of 'Sherlock' in A102 Server.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Special Heroes & Abilities
Updated: 12/10/13
Special Heroes & Abilities
Since the hero-pedia in the
game was fairly lacking in terms of diversity (it's missing tons of the older
heroes), I decided to go ahead and release this hero update. Some
of the hero names or details may be incorrect, so feel free to post corrections
in the comment section below. Some of the newest heroes may be missing in this guide; I'll add them later. They should be listed in the game so feel free to check them out there. Scroll to the bottom to view all the joint combat boosts.
Note: When I state 60% of damage is dealt, this does not mean that the enemy hero loses 60% health. Rather, the enemy target receives 60% of the attacking hero's normal damage.
Note: When I state 60% of damage is dealt, this does not mean that the enemy hero loses 60% health. Rather, the enemy target receives 60% of the attacking hero's normal damage.
5-Star Heroes
Ancient Hunter-Camilla (Snow Hunter-Khione) - 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Eviscerate: When attacking, has a 30% chance to attack the enemy with the least troops dealing 150% of normal damage.
- Retribution: Has a 50% chance to deal 200% of normal damage, and a 50% chance to deal 20% of normal damage.
- Iron Rule: During battle, all enemy defense is reduced by 5%
- Construction Master: Construction Queue: +1 slot
- This effect does not stack.
Aries – 4S, 20GR - Greece
- Intense Pursuit: Has a 20% chance to attack twice in a round.
- Note: If the first enemy target dies from the first attack, a random enemy target receives the second blow.
Arthur's Heir-Gawain - 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Royal Swipe: Has a 25% chance to hit 3 enemies in a row dealing 60% of normal damage.
- Azrael: Bring death and fear
- No confirmed special effects besides joint combo boosts
- Some rumors claim this hero obscures intelligence data during attacks / always attacks with force unknown to defender.
Beast Master – 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Bestial Roar: Has a 25% chance to attack 3 enemy targets dealing 60% damage.
- Note: Bestial Roar will deal just 60% of normal damage to a single target if the special hits with only one general remaining. There is considerable risk when using Beast master to target strong generals alone. Beast Master works best while attacking large groups.
Berserker-Achilles (Winds Son-Boreas) – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Blood Thirst: Has a 100% chance to attack 3 random targets in the first round, dealing 60% of normal damage to all.
Blade Master – 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Sonic Boom: Has a 25% chance to strike two enemy targets in a column dealing 80% of normal damage.
Blade Wolf – 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Blade Strike: Has a 25% chance to attack 2 enemies, dealing 80% of normal damage
Bodacious – 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Frenzy: All heroes receive a Frenzy buff for the first 3 rounds of every battle. Effect: +30% attack but -20% defense
Bowmaster-Atalanta – 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Critical: Has a 10% chance to deal 200% damage to the target
- Aimed Shoot: Has a 15% chance to deal 60% of normal damage to the initial target and two units behind the target.
Carlos (Valentine’s Day Heroes) - 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Consonance: The attack and defense of soldiers will improve by 50% if attending the warfield with Couple General-Carlos (i.e. In battle with Rose & Carlos together: Soldier Attack +50%, Soldier Defense +50%).
Chivalrous Knight-Gawain - 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Flurry: Has a 30% chance to hit 3 enemies in a row dealing 60% of normal damage.
Christmas Elf - 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Blessing: If attacked in the first round, has a 100% chance to only receive 65% of normal damage.
- Nitro Engine: 3 marches per day will have their march time reduced by 90 minutes.
- Annihilation: Has a 25% chance to attack four times dealing 50% of normal damage to random targets
- Leadership: When Genghis Khan is in battle all heroes: +10% Critical hit damage
- Ruin: When Dullahan dies, he will deal 200% of normal damage to the enemy that killed him.
- Demise: Has a 100% chance to reduce target's defense by 50%
- Divine Wrath: Has a 100% chance to attack all 4 targets in the first round, dealing 50% damage to all.
Diamond Lion-Tyrant of the Plain – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Massacre: Deals 30% more damage if your troops outnumber the enemy target
- Note: This ability is rarely invoked in treasure hunts due to their high troop counts.
- Dark Omen: While attacking, reduces target's defense by 40%
- Blood Pact: Has a 20% chance to recover 35% of damage as health.
Dragonslayer-Arthur - 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Dragon's Bane: Has a 30% chance to hit 4 enemies, dealing 50% of normal damage.
- Retaliation: If Hector is attacked in the first round, he has a 100% chance to deal 20% of normal damage to all 4 enemy targets.
Easter Hero – 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Has a 25% chance to revive 25% of lost troops.
- Applies to all accompanied troops on the wall and in tower.
Golden Cancer – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Shield of Thorns: When hit, has a 20% chance to reflect 50% of the damage received back to the attacker unless killed.
Golden Lion-Slayer – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Culling: Deals 25% more damage if you outnumber the enemy target
Guardian-Hector – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Riposte: 100% chance to deal 20% of normal damage to 3 random targets if Hector is attacked in the first round.
Iron Mask (Snow-Iron Mask) – 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Super Turbo Engine: 3 marches per day will have their march time reduced by 1 hour
o If the marching time is under an hour, the march becomes 10
o This effect is stacks with other hero's effects and march cards excluding himself.
o The number of marches a day in which this effect is active increases by 3 per iron man owned.
o The number of marches a day in which this effect is active increases by 3 per iron man owned.
o The following example below shows what a 5 hour march
becomes when using combinations of Iron man, Turkey knight and quick march
cards. It’s important to note that when attacking with Iron man, the march time
is reduced by an hour after all other time reduction methods have been replied;
making the potential time reduction greater when stacked with Turkey or march
§ Normal:
300 mins (5 hrs)
§ Iron Mask:
240 mins (4
§ Turkey or Quick:
150 mins (2.5 hrs)
§ Turkey or Quick + Iron Man: 90 mins (1.5 hrs)
§ Turkey + Quick:
75 mins (1.25hrs)
§ Turkey + Quick + Iron Man:
15 mins
King's Hand-Lancelot - 4S, 23GR - Greece
Lady Joan of Arc – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Whirlwind: Has a 30% chance to hit 3 enemies in a column dealing 60% of normal damage
Lady Joan of Arc – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Noble Sword Dance: Has a 25% chance to deal 100% damage to target and 40% damage to two surrounding enemies.
Luna – 4B, 15GR - Persia
- Regeneration: In battle with Easter Hero: +10% defense
- Aimed Shoot: Has a 25% chance to deal damage to the target and two units behind them, causing 60% damage
- Critical: Has a 10% chance to deal 200% damage to the target
Master Panda – 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Drunken Fist: Has a 25% chance to attack 2 random enemy targets, dealing 80% of normal damage
- Eye for an eye: Gains +30% damage for each of your heroes that dies.
- This effect stacks.
Phantom-Sabbah - 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Assassinate: Has a 30% chance to hit an enemy on the back line dealing 180% of normal damage.
- Famous General: Max Command: +10%.
- This effect stacks with leadership cards.
- Carnage: Has a 25% chance to attack three times dealing 60% of normal damage to random targets
- Leadership: When Genghis Khan is in battle all heroes: +5% Critical hit damage
Prophetess-Macha - 4S, 23 GR - Rome
- Prophecy: In the first round, has a 100% chance to deal 120% damage, and stops the target from using special skills for 1 round.
- Enhance Attribute Heritage: When added to your list, she automatically adds the highest total enhancement (the summation of all 10 enhancements placed on a single hero) among all your heroes’ enhancements and adds it to her attack and defense.
- This additive effect ends after the initial release so utilize this hero wisely.
- If zero heroes have been enhanced, then nothing is added.
- This hero can still be enhanced another 10 times
Robin Hood – 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Has 20% chance to deal double damage
Rose (Valentine’s Day Heroes) - 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Consonance: The attack and defense of soldiers will improve by 50% if attending the warfield with Couple General-Rose (i.e. In battle with Rose & Carlos together: Soldier Attack +50%, Soldier Defense +50%)
Saintly Joan of Arc – 4S, 23GR - Greece
- Righteous Blade: Has a 30% chance to deal 100% damage to target and 40% damage to two surrounding enemies.
Seductress-Macha - 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Charm: In the first round, has a 80% chance to deal 120% damage, and stops the target using special skills for 1 round.
- Shadow Strike: Has a 25% chance to attack the enemy with the least troops dealing 150% of normal damage.
- Garrote: Has a 25% chance to hit an enemy on the back line dealing 180% damage.
- Swordsmanship: Has a 25% chance to hit 3 enemies in a column dealing 60% of normal damage.
- Divine Blessing: If attacked in the first round, has a 100% chance to only receive 50% of normal damage.
- Double Damage: Has a 15% chance to deal double damage to the target
- Chasing Arrow: Has a 15% chance to deal 60% of normal damage
to the initial target and two units behind the target.
Taurus – 4S, 20GR - Greece
- Perfect Block: Has a 20% chance to reduce damage taken by 50%.
- Ra's Justice: Has a 50% chance to deal 230% of normal damage, and a 50% chance to deal 20% of normal damage.
- Iron Rule: During battle, all enemy defense is reduced by 8%
Tormentor-Dullahan - 4S, 23GR - Persia
- Crash: When Dullahan dies, he will deal 240% of normal damage to the enemy that killed him.
- Fast Marching: Marching time reduced by 50%
- This effect stacks with march cards and other heroes excluding itself
- The following example below shows what a 5 hour march
becomes when using combinations of Turkey knight, Iron Man and quick march
cards. It’s important to note that when attacking with Iron man, the march time
is reduced by an hour after all other time reduction methods have been applied;
making the potential time reduction greater when stacked with Turkey or march
§ Normal: 300 mins (5 hrs)§ Iron Mask: 240 mins (4 hrs)§ Turkey or Quick: 150 mins (2.5 hrs)§ Turkey or Quick + Iron Mask: 90 mins (1.5 hrs)§ Turkey + Quick: 75 mins (1.25hrs)§ Turkey + Quick + Iron Mask: 15 mins
Warchief-Black Hawk - 4S, 23GR - Rome
- Last Stand: Damage increases by 15% for every 10% of Black Hawk's troops that are killed.
- This effect stacks.
- Retribution: Gains +35% damage for each of your heroes that dies.
- This effect stacks.
- Sacrifice: Damage increases by 10% for every 10% of Black Hawk's troops that are killed.
- This effect stacks.
Excalibur: Has a 25% chance to hit 4 enemies, dealing 50% of normal damage.
4-Star Heroes
Archer-Atalanta – 4B, 18GR - Rome
- Combo: Has a 5% chance to deal damage to the target and two units behind them, causing 60% of normal damage to all.
- Combo Shoot: Has a 5% chance to deal 200% damage to the target
- Intense Pursuit: Has a 10% chance to attack twice in a round.
- If the enemy target dies in the first attack, the second attack is delivered to a random enemy target.
- Vengeance: Gains +15% damage for each of your heroes that dies.
- This effect stacks.
Beast Master- : 4B, 18GR - Persia
- Roar: Has a 10% chance to attack 3 random targets, dealing 60% of normal damage
Blade Master- : 4B, 18GR - Persia
- Air Boom: Has a 10%chance to attack 2 enemies in a column, dealing 80% of normal damage
Blade Wolf- : 4B, 18GR - Rome
- Claw attack: Has a 10% chance to attack 2 targets, dealing 80% of normal damage
Bodacious- : 4B, 18GR - Rome
- Anger attack: Heroes receive a buff for the first 3 rounds of every battle. Effect: +15% attack but-10% defense
Creeping Death-Sabbah - 4B, 18GR - Persia
- Backstab: Has a 10% chance to hit an enemy on the back line dealing 180% of normal damage.
- Sword Dance: Has a 10% chance to deal 100% damage to target and 40% damage to two surrounding enemies.
Hunter-Black Hawk - 4B, 18GR - Rome
- Blood Boil: Damage increases by 4% for every 10% of Black Hawk's troops that are killed.
- This effect stacks.
- Trap: When attacking, has a 10% chance to attack the enemy with the least troops dealing 150% of normal damage.
- Turbo Engine: Reduces march time by 20 minutes; limited to 3 uses per day
- This effect stacks with other heroes and march cards. However, when stacked with other Iron Man- heroes the march times is not reduced; rather the number of uses increases by 3 per day per iron man- owned.
King-Arthur - 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Sword in the stone: Has a 10% chance to hit 4 enemies, dealing 50% of normal damage.
- Cleave: Has a 10% chance to hit 3 enemies in a row dealing 60% of normal damage.
- Sweep: Has a 10% chance to hit 3 enemies in a column dealing 60% of normal damage.
Master Panda- : 4B, 18GR - Persia
- Chaos Fist: Has a 10% chance to attack 2 random targets dealing 80% of normal damage
- Ruin: Has a 25% chance to attack twice dealing 60% of normal damage to random targets
- Leadership: When Genghis Khan is in battle all heroes: +2% Critical hit damage
- Discipline: Has a 50% chance to deal 150% of normal damage, and a 50% chance to deal 20% of normal damage.
- Iron Rule: During battle, all enemy defense is reduced by 2%
Prince-Hector – 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Counter: If Hector is attacked in the first round, he has a 100% chance to attack 2 random targets dealing 20% of normal damage.
Rider-Dullahan - 4B, 18GR - Persia
- Retaliate: When Dullahan dies, he will deal 100% of normal damage to the enemy that killed him.
- Has a 10% chance to deal double damage
Silver Cancer – 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Spiked Shield: When attacked, has a 10% chance to reflect 50% of the damage received back to the attacker, unless killed.
Silver Lion-Prairie Master – 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Slaughter: Deals 10% more damage if you outnumber the enemy target
Taurus- : 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Block: Has a 10% chance to reduce damage taken by 50%
The Crow-Badb - 4B, 18GR - Rome
- Foreshadow: While attacking, reduces target's defense by 20%
- Curse: In the first round, has a 40% chance to deal 120% damage and stops the target from using special skills for one round.
- Enhance Marching: Marching time is reduced by 20%
- This effect stacks with march cards and other heroes excluding himself.
– 4B, 18GR - Greece
- Charge: Has a 100% chance to attack 2 random targets in the first round, dealing 60% damage to both.
Group Hero Combat Boosts
Note: Most of these
skills require specific versions of heroes to be in battle together to function. They may not work if
for instance Robin Hood- attacked with Bowmaster-Atalanta. They typically require the heroes of the same tier (gold with gold, silver with silver, 4 star with 4 star, etc). Also the boosts for
4-star special heroes in battle together are typically lower than the boosts shown
below (which are the boosts for 5-star top tier heroes)
Archery: In battle with Robin Hood and Atalanta:
Attack +10%
Brave: In battle with Lancelot, Gawain, and King Arthur: Attack +10%, Defense +5%
Brave: In battle with Lancelot, Gawain, and King Arthur: Attack +10%, Defense +5%
Brute Force: In battle with both Beast Master and Blade Master: attack +10%
Consonance: In battle with both Rose & Carlos: Soldier Attack +50%, Soldier Defense +50%
Consonance: In battle with both Rose & Carlos: Soldier Attack +50%, Soldier Defense +50%
Dead: In battle with Morrigan, Badb and Macha: Attack +15%
Defense: In battle with Iron Man and Blade Wolf: Defense +10%
In battle with both Achilles and Hector: Attack + 10%
Hero: In battle with Atalanta and Joan of Arc: Attack
+5%, Defense +5%
Flexible: In battle with Aquarius and Pisces: Attack +5%, Defense +5%
Flexible: In battle with Aquarius and Pisces: Attack +5%, Defense +5%
Frenzy: In battle with both Golden Lion-Slayer and Aries: Attack +10%
Heroic: In battle with Black Hawk & Dullahan: Defense +10%
Oracle: In battle with Reindeer Goddess and Azrael: Attack +5%, Defense +5%
Pounce: In battle with Camilla and Sabbah: Attack +10%
Heroic: In battle with Black Hawk & Dullahan: Defense +10%
Oracle: In battle with Reindeer Goddess and Azrael: Attack +5%, Defense +5%
Pounce: In battle with Camilla and Sabbah: Attack +10%
Regeneration: In battle with both Luna and Easter Hero: Defense +10%
Animosity – In battle with four heroes from the same
legion: Attack +5%
Steadfast: In battle with Taurus: Defense +10%
In battle with both Bodacious & Turkey knight: Attack +5%, Defense +5%
Toughness: In battle with Master Panda and Blade Wolf: Attack +10%
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