Information about the game Age of Warring Empire for android devices. There is a serious lack of information about this game online my goal is to change that. I would love to have feedback or even comments on what you would like me to look into next. I update blog at least once a week so please follow to keep up to date!
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Age of Empire- Market 2
I know before I said that the amount you can sell is based on the amount that you do sell. I also believe that it is based on if you cancel transactions then your sell-able amount will go down faster. To keep your sell-able amount up make trades with other players. You buy what they have and you need and they buy the same amount from you. Thus no money lost but needed resources gained.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Age of Empire- Attacking
When attacking it is obvious which of your troops are going
to attack as they are numbered. All troops will attempt to attack directly in
front of them first.
So 2 will attack B if no troops on B then will attack A if
no troops on A then will attack C if no troops on C then E then D.
Attacker gets to go first then the attacks alternate. So if
there are troops on 2,3,4,5 as well as B,C,D,E. the attack order would be.
2,B,3,C,4,D,5,E. If you manage to kill whoever is attacking next then they
loose their turn. Using the example above, 2 kills all targets on B, So B
looses its turn, So then its 3's turn, 3 kills all targets on C, C looses its
turn. Ect.
The overall attack order if all spaces could be occupied
would be. 1,A,2,B,3,C,4,D,5,E. So keep that in mind when attacking. You can
always scout other players, either by paying or by sacrificing troops.
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Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Age of Empire- Assign Soldiers
With the new updates we do not seem to be able to assign soldiers through the hero menu any longer. To assign soldiers to heros you can either attack another player, wild or go into the tower or arena. Once you have the soldiers assigned in any of these areas you don't actually have to attack the soldiers will stay assigned.
Age of Empire- Guide- Troops- assign- soldiers- information- walkthrough
Age of Empire- Guide- Troops- assign- soldiers- information- walkthrough
Friday, April 19, 2013
Age of Empire- Tower strategy
Strategy in the tower is fairly straight forward and based on attack patterns.
You never really know what your going to be attacking (at least I haven't analyzed the defenders to see if there is a pattern.) But you can use a general attack pattern to minimize your losses.
You never really know what your going to be attacking (at least I haven't analyzed the defenders to see if there is a pattern.) But you can use a general attack pattern to minimize your losses.
So in position 2 you want to have all the Infantry you can hold.
Position 3 should be 3 archers
position 4 should be all the Catapults you can hold
position 5 should be 3 archers as well
have the 3 archers will help you minimize your losses. You will be able to attack first so your infantry will take out all in square B, then your archers will be attacked. even if all 3 are killed due to the regeneration properties of the tower you will get 80% back. so in this case loose 3 retain 2. then your catapults will attack and kill all on square d. then your other archers will be attacked and possibly all die. your inf will attack square a or c depending on where troops are. they will attack your infantry with whatever they have left due to your infantries high defense you should only loose a few troops. Your catapults then will take out the rest of their troops. And voila you have taken the tower level with few losses if any and gained quite a bit of experience for your hero in square 2 and square 4.
Experience seems to be based on how many soldiers are killed by each hero. The orange numbers in the recap. When you use a double xp. inventory item these orange numbers are double the number of soldiers killed.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Age of Empire- Gems
Gems are found by going to the gem icon on the menu (next to
the Helmet for the heros). Once in the menu you have two options. You can use
gold or copper. To use gold click on the bottom left corner (use 2 gold for 10
searches). This will go automatically. TO use copper click on the images at the
top. The copper cost will be displayed in the bottom corner of each image. As I
understand it the higher the image is the better your chance is of getting
higher level gems.
There are two categories of Gems, red for attack and blue
for defense. As the size of the gem increases the quality increases as well.
for example if you have two level 1 gems but one is skinny and one is fat the
fat one will be of higher quality.
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Monday, April 15, 2013
Age of Empire- Food
As many of you have noticed your food production seems to go down rather then up. This is because your troops eat! Each of your troops eats 1 food per hour. So your food production reflects this. Your over all food production will be what you make in your town + your wilds - your number of troops (this number can be found in your barracks at the top).
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Age of Empire- Daily Schedule
This is what I recommend you do on a daily basis, it is by no means a guarantee of your success just how I approach the game, and there is a complete lack of available information out there at the moment and I am aiming to change that.
- sign in daily to get free lottery and log in reward, 7th day log in reward is a 5 star hero, well worth the minute it takes to log in.
- Do the arena, you can challenge every 3 minutes, so total doing all 15 challenges the arena will take you 45 minutes. Spread out throughout the day is not bad. Don't forget to check and see if you can get your ranking reward which renews every 3 days.
- Do attacking city daily task, this is super easy just attack 5 different level 0 cities, they obviously don't play and thus no risk of starting war or retaliation. In addition they seem to have the best loot since everyone else is attack the larger cities. Try to attack 5 different cities each day to get as many treasure maps as possible.
- Do Victor is king daily task, find the other power players in your area and make deals with them to do victor is king quest. This means only attacking their wilds twice! and they will only attack your wilds twice. The 200 prestige reward for this quest is huge!
- Click on treasure box top right see if you qualify for any rewards there. This is the online activity rewards center, if you grow to level 15 in your first three weeks of game play you can get a reward and periodically they will have weekly specials.
- Click rolled scroll and see if you can take a prize for your treasure maps yet, this renews once a week. You collect treasure maps by attack cities.
- Go into the City hall Lord tab and click prestige reward to see if you qualify for a new reward, if you are still under the newb protection then you cannot collect these rewards but will be able to once your new time is up.
- Enter tower and do at least first 6 floors, very minimal losses, and gaining hero experience is vital.
- Try to gain 100 troops a day
- look for level 1 wilds to take over quickly, the number of wilds you can have is determined by your prestige, you can check on the lord tab in the city hall. Don't forget to recall your troops once you take over a wild, someone else could come by and crush your troops. You can recall troops in the wilds section of the city hall.
- Check your market goods, at lower levels you always have too much food, at higher levels you never have enough food. So as soon as your city hall reaches level 5 start selling as much food as you can. once you get the copper coins use them to upgrade your technology. Focus on your food and iron production. In the market the more you sell the higher your limit will be next time.
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Monday, April 8, 2013
Age of Empire- Market
Using the market is fairly straight forward. the buy tab allows you to buy, the center tab allows you to sell and the trading tab allows you to see what you have up for sell and cancel it if you want. to change what resource you want to buy click on the icons along the bottom.
The amount you can sell at a time is decided by how often you sell. I recommend always having something up for sale. Food seems to sell the best, I'm sure that Iron also sells very well stone seldom sells and wood almost never sells.
To gain copper coins steadily try selling small amounts of food each day. I try to sell at least 1k food each day. I can no sell over 4k per transaction.
If you go an extended amount of time without buying or selling the amount you can sell will drop quickly.
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Saturday, April 6, 2013
Age of Empire- Upgrading
So you just started and want to level up as fast as you can and make the most of the free mission rewards as you can. That understandable, however there is the issue of not enough warehouse space to get all the reward you can as you go. Thankfully there is a pattern you can follow to get the most for your resource usage.
- City Hall (only upgrade the city hall to level 6 I think it is during newb time, it will warn you if you try to go higher. Going higher will cause your newb protection to break early)
- Warehouse
- Barracks
- Wall
- Farm 1
- Sawmill 1
- Quarry 1
- Iron Mine 1
- Farm 2
- Farm 3
- Farm 4
- Sawmill 2
- Sawmill 3
- Sawmill 4
- Quarry 2
- Quarry 3
- Quarry 4
- Iron Mine 2
- Iron Mine 3
- Iron Mine 4
Just upgrade using this pattern and you only need to collect rewards when you need the resource and you will fulfill the missions early. You can upgrade 2 buildings at a time. I suggest building up your town as fast as you can for the first 2.5 days then concentrating on your army. Using this pattern you should be able to get to level 8-9 in the first 3 days fairly easily.
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Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Age of Empire- Daily Tasks
There are several tasks you can do daily to receive a reward. The Daily tasks are found under missions, the scroll under your level.
What are they:
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What are they:
- Gains in Tower-collect all 6 items needed(random don't disappear each day so no worries)-5 small carts
- Gains in Arena-Collect all 4 items needed(random, items don't disappear each day so no worries)-5 small carts
- The victor is King-take over 2 enemy wilds (these have to be occupied wilds from another player)- 200 prestige
- Trade Master-Use gold to buy resource once (gold not copper, market doesn't count)- 1 small cart
- Rapid Expansion-level up 3 buildings in one day-1 small cart
- Strengthen Ability-create 100 new troops-1 large cart
- Attacking city-attack 5 cities, or one city 5 times-1 large cart
Small carts get you a random amount of each resource between 300-500
large carts get you a random amount of each resource between 3000-5000
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Age of Empire- Not Loading Problem
Does anyone know how to fix the problem where the game will not load? It is working just fine on my phone but is refusing to load on my tablet. I had it working for all of one day and now it is refusing to work. It is the current version. I have restarted the tablet.
What is happening
What is happening
- game starts to load
- takes forever
- eventually asks me to change server
- I decline
- continues on loading screen forever
I have sent this to the company, no idea if and when I will hear back but I will keep you updated.
I have also uninstalled and re-installed same problem.
4/15/2013 Still haven't heard anything back from the developers. This seems to be something to do with my Wifi. When I try to use the wifi through my phone then my phone has the same issue.
Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
I have also uninstalled and re-installed same problem.
4/15/2013 Still haven't heard anything back from the developers. This seems to be something to do with my Wifi. When I try to use the wifi through my phone then my phone has the same issue.
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Age of Empire- Tower
Using the tower is very similar to using the arena except your troops will die. As long as you keep winning then some of your troops will regenerate. Each floor of the tower is progressively harder. doing the first 6 floors of the tower each day is highly recommended. you can enter the tower for free once each day. Doing the first 6 floors each day will get your heros experience, allowing them to gain higher levels and support more troops. Every 10 floors in the tower you have the possibility of gaining a random hero. There is also a mission for every 10 floors of the tower.
Using the tower
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Using the tower
- assign your heros up to 4 at a time on left same as Arena
- arrange your heros line, the center is always attacked first so use Infantry here they have a fairly low cost and pretty high defense.
- click "challenge" in lower right corner
- you have the option to watch each battle or not, I advise watching the battles so you can get a feel for how much damage each of your troops is doing and how battle progresses.
- In the middle you can see the tower, there is a sword to indicate what level of the tower you will challenge next if you choose to.
- The box on the right shows a brief of how the battle went, the orange numbers are how much experience each hero gained, the red numbers are how many troops each hero lost.
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Age of Empire- Troops
There are 4 types of troops Infantry, Calvary, Archer and Catapult.
Everyone has there own preference on what troops they make and use. Also each hero is better with some troops over other troops. Going into the heros menu (little helmet on menu bar) will allow you to see what troops are most beneficial to each Hero.
once in the hero menu you can see the troop icons on the bottom each icon has a letter on it these letters denote the skill the hero has at direction these troops.
S: 20% more attack
A: 15% more attack
B: 10% more attack
C: 5% more attack
D: no change
E: -5% attack
Your troops eat, so once you start building your army you will start producing less food. Each soldier eats 1 food each hour.
Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
Everyone has there own preference on what troops they make and use. Also each hero is better with some troops over other troops. Going into the heros menu (little helmet on menu bar) will allow you to see what troops are most beneficial to each Hero.
once in the hero menu you can see the troop icons on the bottom each icon has a letter on it these letters denote the skill the hero has at direction these troops.
S: 20% more attack
A: 15% more attack
B: 10% more attack
C: 5% more attack
D: no change
E: -5% attack
Your troops eat, so once you start building your army you will start producing less food. Each soldier eats 1 food each hour.
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Age of Empire- Arena
The arena gives you 15 free chances a day to advance yourself. Each time you win a battle you receive 10 prestige and 200 each resource. If you lose you still get the 200 each resource just not the prestige. Using the arena is the best way to see how the troops interact with each other.
The arena is easy to use. On the left you see your 4 hero slots (vertical). Click on any of these slots to assign your heros. You have to click save formation on the bottom left before you can challenge. You can change this arrangement at any time just click cancel formation and reassign the heros. In the middle you see the images of heros you can challenge( 5 of them). The hero on the far right is always the hero who is ranked the highest. If you are able to beat a challengers hero then you will take his spot in the ranking. So always try to beat the one on the far right. You could potentially advance 75 places in one day. Every 3 days or so there is also a rank reward available Currently the rank reward is 200 copper coins.

The arena gives you the potential to gain 150 prestige a day.
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Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
Age of Empire
Age of Empire is a strategy based city building game available on Android devices. The game is free and extremely addictive. You have your first three days or until your city hall is level 6 to get used to the game.
Invitation code 5459948315 putting in an invitation code when you first get into the game will allow you to start with more resources as well as give me goodies as well.
The tutorial takes you through how to manage your city as well as how to use the tower. It does take a bit of time but if it is your first time going through it is very informative.
In the beginning of the game it is very beneficial to follow the missions. The reward for many of the missions is 2k each resource which allows you to quickly advance your city. Once you hit level 10 or so it becomes much less helpful to follow the missions.
To gain levels for your city overall you must gain prestige. To gain prestige you need to level up your buildings, win in the arena, or do the "victor is king" daily task. Gaining prestige allows you to occupy more wilds.
The game is saved automatically so no worries about loosing your data.
Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
Invitation code 5459948315 putting in an invitation code when you first get into the game will allow you to start with more resources as well as give me goodies as well.
The tutorial takes you through how to manage your city as well as how to use the tower. It does take a bit of time but if it is your first time going through it is very informative.
In the beginning of the game it is very beneficial to follow the missions. The reward for many of the missions is 2k each resource which allows you to quickly advance your city. Once you hit level 10 or so it becomes much less helpful to follow the missions.
To gain levels for your city overall you must gain prestige. To gain prestige you need to level up your buildings, win in the arena, or do the "victor is king" daily task. Gaining prestige allows you to occupy more wilds.
The game is saved automatically so no worries about loosing your data.
Age Of Empire - Android - Guide - Information - Help
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