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Tuesday, November 25, 2014



Reckless-Zhang Fei
Recklessness: In the first round of combat, deal 200% damage to the target. Unable to attack during the second round.

Destroyer-Zhang Fei
Rampage: In the first round of combat, deal 250% damage to the target. Unable to attack during the second round.


Blessing of the Goddess
1.Statues produce blessing points which can be exchanged for items.
2.If you pray to a statue you can acquire additional blessing points.
3. Once the countdown timer ends, you can collect the blessing points.

After attacking a player city and defeating them, you will steal a random amount of blessing points from them.

1.Exchange blessing points for items. There is no accumulative limit for the number of times an item can be exchanged.
2. Can only exchange 1 every %1$d hour.

Items (Gems)

Precious Key
Used to unlock pearl chests

Incisive Titan Gem
%1$s %2$d star attack gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Incisive" effect, Crit. Chance+%3$d%%,Attack+%4$d, Attack+%5$d per level

Incisive Gem of Ares
%1$s %2$d star attack gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Incisive" effect, Crit. Chance+%3$d%%,Attack+%4$d, Attack+%5$d per level
Resilient Gem of Gaea
%1$s %2$d star defense gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Resilience" effect, Block Chance+%3$d%%, Defense+%4$d, Defense+%5$d per level

Resilient Earthen Gem
%1$s %2$d star defense gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Resilience" effect, Block Chance+%3$d%%, Defense+%4$d, Defense+%5$d per level
Berserker's Gem of Command
%1$s %2$d star leadership gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Berserker" effect, Crit. Damage+%3$d%%,Leadership+%4$d, Leadership+%5$d per level

Berserker's Crystal of Command
%1$s %2$d star leadership gem. Cut and polished by a master lapidary, it now has a "Berserker" effect, Crit. Damage+%3$d%%,Leadership+%4$d, Leadership+%5$d per level

Crit. Chance

Crit. Damage

Block Chance

Features (Other)

Chance to recruit a 3~6 star hero
Special Case: Over the next %1$d times you spend gold coins on recruiting, you are guaranteed to acquire 1 epic %2$d star hero
You do not have an equipment for this slot. The equipment can be acquired from events and attacking monsters on the world map!

%s can be acquired from events and attacking monsters on the world map!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



Kindness:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by 15%. This lasts until the end of combat.
Greater Good: When in combat, the critical chance of all enemy heroes is reduced by 10%.

Santa Claus
Presents:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by 30%. This lasts until the end of combat.
Greater Good: When in combat, the critical chance of all enemy heroes is reduced by 10%.

Father Christmas
Goodwill:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by 40%. This lasts until the end of combat.
Greater Good: When in combat, the critical chance of all enemy heroes is reduced by 10%.

Crescent Blade-Guan Yu
Power Surge:Every time Guan Yu kills a hero, his attack increases by 20% (this skill stacks)
Martial Prowess:Every attack deals 110% damage.

Weapon Master-Guan Yu
Berserk:Every time Guan Yu kills a hero, his attack increases by 50% (this skill stacks)
Martial Prowess:Every attack deals 110% damage.


Mithril Dragon Claw
A deadly claw shaped weapon made of mithril. It is so sharp that just one look at it will get you cut. When equipped by Evil Dragon, the effect of his skills will be increased.

4 Star: Every attack deals (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) damage to units in adjacent rows of the target
5 Star: Every attack deals (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) damage to units in adjacent rows of the target
6 Star: Every attack deals (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage to units in adjacent rows of the target

Golden Antler
An antler made of pure gold, which will surely attract the thieves. When equipped by Reindeer, the effect of his skills increases.

4 Star: When in combat, every friendly non-self hero that is alive, grants Reindeer a (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) increase in attack.
5 Star: When in combat, every friendly non-self hero that is alive, grants Reindeer a (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) increase in attack.
6 Star: When in combat, every friendly non-self hero that is alive, grants Reindeer a (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) increase in attack.

Rainbow Candy Cane
It not only is a strong weapon, it also doesn't taste half bad. When equipped by Santa Claus, the effect of his skills increases.

4 Star:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by (%1$d%%+%2$d%%). This lasts until the end of combat
5 Star:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by (%3$d%%+%4$d%%). Lasts until the end of combat
6 Star:At the start of battle, Santa grants 1 random friendly hero an effect that increases attack by (%5$d%%+%6$d%%). Lasts until the end of combat)


Magical Egg

Nurture the magical egg and acquire a rare hero.

1.During the event, you may nurture (magic feathers), catalyse and bless the magical egg every day to increase it's growth level.
2. During the event, items are needed for nurturing the magical egg and can be acquired from %1$s battles. The daily upper limit for items acquired is %2$d.
3.When the magical egg hatches, you are guaranteed to receive either the high star value hero or a low star value hero. The higher the growth level of the magical egg, the greater the chance of receiving a high star value hero when it hatches.
4.You may hatch the magical egg once it's growth level reaches 100% or during reward collection.
5. Everyday, you have 1 chance to bless the magical egg. It will reset the next day.

Christmas Collection

Collect the new Christmas items and reach the designated target to win a grand prize.
(Also a new item called Christmas Present, although we do not know what's in it just yet)

Hero Evolution

The gem of evolution can be acquired from defeating monsters on the world map. It can also be purchased directly.

The gem of evolution can be acquired from defeating monsters on the world map. It can also be purchased directly by using %d gold coins.

This item can be acquired from defeating monsters on the world map. It can also be purchased directly using %d gold coins. Would you like to buy it?


Chance to recruit a 3~6 star hero\n Special Case:Over the next %1$d recruitments tries, you are guaranteed to receive 1 Legendary %2$d star Hero

For your next gold coin recruit you are guaranteed to receive a legendary %d star hero

Congratulations, you have receive a reward: %s, The reward will be sent to your in-game mail. Please check your mail after unlocking the feature.

Chance to recruit a 3~6 star hero
Special Case:Over the next %1$d gold coins used on recruiting, you are guaranteed to receive 1 Epic %2$d star Hero

Monday, November 17, 2014

Version 2.3.46 (German Translation)



Freundlichkeit: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, gewährt er einen befreundeten Helden einen Effekt den Angriff um 15% zu steigern. Der Effekt dauert bis zum Ende des Kampfes. Höheres Ziel: Währrend des Kampfes, wird die Trefferchance für den Kritischen Schaden bei allen Feindlichen Helden um 10% reduziert.

Santa Claus
Geschenke: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, Santa gibt 1 zufälligen befreundeten Helden einen Effekt welcher die Angriffskraft um 30% steigert. Dieser Effekt bleibt bis zum Ende des Kampfes.
Höheres Ziel: Währrend des Kampfes, wird die Trefferchance für den Kritischen Schaden bei allen Feindlichen Helden um 10% reduziert.

Vater Weihnachten:
Wohlwollen: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, gibt Santa 1 zufälligen freundlichen Helden einen Effekt der die Angriffskraft um 40% steigert. Dieser Effekt bleibt bis zum Ende des Kampfes.
Höheres Ziel: Währrend des Kampfes, wird die Trefferchance für den Kritischen Schaden bei allen Feindlichen Helden um 10% reduziert. 

Halbmondklinge-Guan Yu
Stromstoß: Jedesmal wenn Guan Yu einen Helden killt, steigert sich seine Angriffskraft um 20% (der Effekt ist Stapelbar).
Tüchtigkeit des Kampfes: Jeder Angriff verursacht 110% schaden.

Meister der Waffen-Guan Yu
Wut: Jedesmal wenn Guan Yu einen Helden killt, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 50% (dieser Effekt ist Stapelbar)
Tüchtigkeit des Kampfes: Jeder Angriff verursacht 110% schaden.


Mithrille Drachenklaue
Eine tödliche klaue geformte Waffe aus Mithril. Sie is so scharf dass nur ein blosser Blick genügt damit sie dich schneidet. Wenn sie mit dem Bösen Drachen ausgerüstet wird, erhöht sich der Effekt seiner Fähigkeiten.

4 Sterne: Jeder Angriff verursacht (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) Schaden an alle Einheiten in einer Reihe.
5 Sterne: Jeder Angriff verursacht (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) Schaden an alle Einheiten in einer Reihe.
6 Sterne: Jeder Angriff verursacht (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) Schaden an alle Einheiten in einer Reihe.

Goldenes Geweih

Ein Geweih gemacht aus purem Gold, welches mit sicherheit die Diebe anlocken wird. Wenn es mit dem Rentier ausgerüstet wird, erhöht sich der Effekt von seiner Fähigkeiten.

4 Sterne : Wenn im Kampf, jeder befreundete Held der noch lebendig ist, räumt dem Rentier eine (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) erhöhung im Angriff.
5 Sterne : Wenn im Kampf, jeder befreundete Held der noch lebendig ist, räumt dem Rentier eine (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) erhöhung im Angriff.
6 Sterne : Wenn im Kampf, jeder befreundete Held der noch lebendig ist, räumt dem Rentier eine (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) erhöhung im Angriff.

Regenbogen Zuckerstange

Es ist nicht nur eine Starke Waffe, sondern schmeckt auch nicht schlecht. Wenn sie mit Santa Claus ausgerüstet wird, erhöht sich der Effekt seiner Fähigkeiten.

4 Sterne: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, Santa gibt 1 zufälligen befreundeten Helden einen Effekt welcher die Angriffskraft um (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) steigert. Das ganze solange bis zum ende des Kampfes.
5 Sterne: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, Santa gibt 1 zufälligen befreundeten Helden einen Effekt welcher die Angriffskraft um (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) steigert. Das ganze solange bis zum ende des Kampfes.
6 Sterne: Beim Beginn des Kampfes, Santa gibt 1 zufälligen befreundeten Helden einen Effekt welcher die Angriffskraft um (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) steigert. Das ganze solange bis zum ende des Kampfes.


Magisches Ei

Pflege das Magische Ei und erhalte einen seltenen Helden.

1. Währrend des Events, musst Du das magische Ei Pflegen (magische Feder), katalysieren und segnen jeden Tag damit sein Wachstum steigern kann.
2. Währrend des Events, gegenstände die für die Pflege vom magischen Ei gebraucht werden können von %1$s Kämpfe erworben werden. Das Tägliche Limit der erwobenen Gegenstände ist bei %2$d.
3. Wenn das magische Ei schlüpft, bekommst Du garantiert einen Super Sternen Helden oder einen niedrigeren Sternen Helden. Je höher das Wachstumslevel des magischen Ei's desto höher die Chance einen starken Sternen Helden zu bekommen wenn es schlüpft.
4. Du kannst das magische Ei schlüpfen sobald sein Wachstumslevel 100% erreicht oder währrend des einsammelns der Belohnungen.
5. Jeden Tag hast Du nur 1 chance das magische Ei zu segnen. Das wird zurückgesetzt am nächsten Tag.


Sammel die neuen Weihnachtsgegenstände und erreiche einen guten Platz um einen Großen Preis zu gewinnen. (Auch ein neuer Gegenstand namens Weihnachtsgeschenk, nur wissen wir bisher nicht was drin ist).

Helden Evolution

Der edelstein der evolution kann gefunden werden beim erlegen der Monster auf der Weltkarte. Er kann auch direkt gekauft werden.

Der Edelstein der Evoluntion kann gefunden werden beim erlegen der Monster auf der Weltkarte. Er kann auch direkt gekauft werden indem man dafür %d gold investiert.

Dieser gegenstand kann gefunden werden beim erlegen der Monster auf der Weltkarte. Er kann auch gekauft werden direkt für %d gold. Würdest Du es kaufen wollen?


Chance zum Rekrutieren eines 3~6 Sterne Helden\n Sonderfall: Über den nächsten %1$d rekrutierungsversuche, erhälst Du garantiert einen Legendären %2$d Sternen Helden.

Für deine nächste Gold rekrutierung wirst du garantiert einen legendären %d Sternen Helden erhalten.

Glückwunsch, du hast eine Belohnung bekommen: %s, Diese Belohnung wird dir zugesandt per In-Game Mail. Bitte überprüfe deine Mail nachdem dieses Feature entriegelt wurde.

Chance zum Rekrutieren eines 3~6 Sternen Helden
Sonderfall:Über die nächsten %1$d Goldmünzen die Du an der Heldenrekrutierung verwendest, erhälst Du garantiert 1 Epischen %2$d Sternen Helden.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Graphics Survey-Nov 2014

THe developers of Age of Warring Empire have asked up to put together a survey to find out what players like to see in graphics. This is a survey for the IMAGES ONLY not skills or power in any way. JUST IMAGES.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014



Elite Reindeer
Reinforce: When in combat, every friendly hero except Reindeer that is alive, grants Reindeer a 5% increase in attack. This effect stacks.

Christmas Reindeer
Cooperate: When in combat, every friendly hero except Reindeer that is alive, grants Reindeer a 15% increase in attack. This effect stacks.

Heroic Reindeer
Side by Side: When in combat, every friendly hero except Reindeer that is alive, grants Reindeer a 25% increase in attack. This effect stacks.


Poisonous Hydra Tooth
Deadly poison drips from Hydra's tooth. When equipped to Hydra, the effect of his skills increases.

4 Star:Poisoned targets take (%1$d%%+%2$d%%) damage from Hydra during each round of combat.
5 Star: Poisoned targets take (%3$d%%+%4$d%%) damage from Hydra during each round of combat.
6 Star: Poisoned targets take (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage from Hydra during each round of combat.

Goblin's Maul
A heavy maul, perfect for when stealing from others. When equipped to Goblin, the effect of his skills increases.

4 Star: Every attack increases Goblins attack by (%1$d%%+%2$d%%)
5 Star: Every attack increases Goblins attack by (%3$d%%+%4$d%%)
6 Star: Every attack increases Goblins attack by (%5$d%%+%6$d%%)


Treasures and Troubles
Tap refresh for a chance to unlock a higher level chest
2. Before you search for treasure you will acquire %d free refresh chances
3. After searching for treasure you will acquire all the contents of the chest which includes random items and a fixed item.
4.Once the search countdown ends don't forget to collect your treasures,

1.Attack and raid players for a chance to acquire treasure fragments
2. The raid battles do not use up any troops
3. Immunity stops other players from raiding you, but you will also not be able to attack other players
4.Your raiding and defending lineup will affect your arena lineup,

Treasure Fragment 1
Combined to form a treasure. Used in the Treasure and Troubles event

Treasure Fragment 2
Combined to form a treasure. Used in the Treasure and Troubles event

Treasure Fragment 3
Combined to form a treasure. Used in the Treasure and Troubles event

Random Fragment
Receive 1 random treasure fragment

When immunity is activate you won't be able to raid other players. Other players will not be able to raid you. Would you like to continue?

When immunity is off you will be able to raid other players, but other players will be able to raid you. Would you like to continue?

Use gold coins to gain 1 raid attack. Would you like to continue?

The opponent has immunity activated. You are unable to attack them at the moment.

Good Fortune
1.Make a gold coin purchase and get a great return. By default, the bonus multiplier for the amount of gold coins purchased is %1$s. You receive %1$s× the purchase. This has no time limit.
2.Spin the wheel to see how many times you purchase reward is multiplied by and the tier of your recharge. Within %2$d minutes, purchase the designated amount of gold coins, and acquire the amount multiplied by the multiplier which appeared on the wheel.
3. The effect received from the good fortune event does not stack, however you may spin the wheel again. This will reset the effect.
4.This effect does not stack with the bonus from the reward card. The bonus effect from the reward card will be applied first if both effects are active

Please Note: The gold coin purchase from the Monthly Card is not included for this event and will be not return additional gold coins.

New Implementations

Map Monsters

1.Defeat the monster to acquire the corresponding reward.
2.Troops belonging to the monster will not recover when killed. The monster can be attacked multiple times.
3. 80% of the troops lost from player attacks against the monsters will be recovered.
4.The higher your level, the greater the number of attacks you can make each day.

Raging Goblin
Powerful goblin warrior. Accustomed to fighting drawn out battles

Poisonous Hydra
Ancient Nine-headed snake. Poisons enemy units upon contact

Fire Dragon
A powerful dragon that breaths fire. Specializes in dealing spread damage

Wild Reindeer
A wild reindeer. The greater the number of allies, the more damage it deals.

Santa\'s Test
Complete Santa\'s Test and receive great rewards

Hero Tavern

Chance to recruit a 3~6 star hero. Special Case: Over the next %1$d gold coins used on recruiting, you are guaranteed to receive 1 Epic %2$d star Hero

For your next gold coin recruit you are guaranteed to receive a legendary %d star hero

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mergers-Nov 2014

As many of you have probably noticed a lot of servers are being merged. This generally happens with little or no warning from the Developers. Mergers usually happen in order, currently up to 133 have been merged or skipped. Makes devs decide  to merge a server? Like everything else in this game MONEY. If a server is still profitable it is not merged.

Some common problems result after a merge:
Achievements reset
Invite codes reset
Missing Gems
Missing Heros
Missing Alliance points
Not able to withdraw from an alliance
Missing Items
Missing Equipment

So if you think you are about to be merged ss everything you don't want to lose, make sure that your nickname is visible as well as time and date. These are helpful when making an argument about lost items but not definable proof.

There is only 1 Gm per server so even if you had one Gm on your server before that does not guarantee that they will be your GM after a merge. It also takes time for the Green chat to come back so don't be a jerk in case they really are a GM :D

A good indicator of a server merge is no new events. merging while events are running makes it more difficult to keep everyone happy.

If you have cities on several of the merged servers your old cities can be accessed via the existing account login, accountname_###s where the ### is the number of the server you are trying to get on.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hammer Mayhem-Nov 2014

Hammer Mayhem is an event that again favors gold users. You can use copper for this event but you will not get the item advertised there is zero chance to get the item with copper. You will however get to "buy" other useful items. I tested each item for over 100 hits each with the 50gc hammer and only got two of the heros, I would say that the odds of getting items from this event are less than 1. I have included a list of the other possible items you can get for each hammer category. I have heard that the odds are closer to 5% when using the 50 Gc hammer though.