Information about the game Age of Warring Empire for android devices. There is a serious lack of information about this game online my goal is to change that. I would love to have feedback or even comments on what you would like me to look into next. I update blog at least once a week so please follow to keep up to date!
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Monday, January 26, 2015
A Letter to Developers of Age of Warring Empire
As a player of Age of Warring Empire for nearly three years. I have noticed that cheating is rampant. All players have noticed that cheating is rampant. Players quickly lose interest and are not willing to invest in a game where players can just add what they like to their accounts freely.
one glaringly obvious source of cheating was the tower bug. Where players could collect tower rewards as many times as they pleased. This allowed for many players to gain a permanent advantage over other players that was never corrected. Many player who abused this bug were caught and their gems reduced. Many as well did not have their accounts checked. And still have many level 100 gems that they never earned.
I have ran the calculations using the best case scenario where a player is able to have 12 lvl 9 strongholds for a full two years. (v4)Two years being the approximate time that gems have been released. Using this scenario and gaining a gem on every hit in the first gem slot search (the most cost effective ideally) a player who has been doing this method for a full 2 years spending all their copper coins on gem searches and getting a 1 star gem every 240 search would be able to have no more than 7 level 100 6* gems. This would account for every scrap of exp gained from gem searches.
Now I know there is a margin of error, but taking into consideration that every gem search does not produce a gem. This will offset the difference. 4 level 100 6* gems is a much more reasonable number.
To buy enough exp to make 7 level 100 6* gems you would need to 3,945 Experience gems which would be most effective. That would cost 390,539 GC. The equivalent of $20,307 USD.
What I propose is this, create a function to check accounts, flag all accounts that have more than 4 lvl 100 gems. Cross check those accounts for gc spent and cc obtained. Then investigate those accounts that are left over. If they are found in violation then reduce their gems to acceptable levels. Again these calculations are based on a server being open for two years. HOw long a server has been open will affect these estimations greatly.
You are losing money daily because you do not seem to care about cheating in the game. Cheaters brag about cheating and getting away with it. You lose paying players everytime this happens.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
God of Love-Cupid
Arrow of Love: When paired with Psyche, Cupid gains an additional attack each round, dealing 100% damage to a random target(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Soul Link: When paired with Psyche and being attacked, damage taken by Cupid is split evenly with Psyche(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair.
Butterfly Fairy-Psyche
Arrow of Love:When paired with Cupid, Psyche gains an additional attack each round, dealing 100% damage to a random target (Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Soul Link: When paired with Cupid and being attacked, damage taken by Psyche is split evenly with Cupid(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Entomb: Every attack has a 100% chance to target the enemy unit with the least amount of troops, dealing 110% damage.
Stone Gaze: When Euryale is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Decapitate: Every attack has a 100% chance to target the enemy unit with the least amount of troops, dealing 125% damage.
Stone Gaze: When Euryale is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Eldest Sister-Stheno (Hero Head from 2.3.55 update)
True Power: In the first round of combat, deal 140% damage to an enemy unit with the least amount of troops.
Stone Gaze: When Stheno is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Gorgon-Stheno (Hero Head from 2.3.55 update)
Fatal Blow: In the first round of combat, deal 180% damage to an enemy unit with the least amount of troops.
Stone Gaze: When Stheno is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Gift of Courage
Purchase gold coins to unlock this gift bag full of luxurious rewards
Beginner's Armour of Protection
Armour forged by the Kingdom, befitting warriors who are preparing for their first battle! It has been blessed by the angels
Beginner's Necklace of Protection
A powerful necklace crafted by the Kingdom, befitting warriors who are preparing for their first battle! It has been blessed by the angels
Blade of Time
(Heading: 波斯王子专属装备时之刃-/Prince of Persia exclusive equipment at the edge -)
A legendary blade that has the ability to alter time. When equipped by Bahram, it enhances the effect of his skill.
4 Star: Every attack has a %1$d%% chance to deal (%2$d%%+%3$d%%) damage to the target
5 Star: Every attack has a %4$d%% chance to deal (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage to the target
6 Star: Every attack has a %7$d%% chance to deal (%8$d%%+%9$d%%) damage to the target
(Heading: 阿喀琉斯专属装备驰空之星-/Achilles exclusive equipment Chi empty Star -)
A spear engulfed in the flames of a meteorite, crafted from the ashes of the fallen star. When equipped by Achilles, it enhances the effect of his skill
4Star: %1$d%% chance to attack 2 enemies, in the first round, dealing (%2$d%%+%3$d%%)damage to each target.
5Star: %4$d%% chance to attack 3 enemies, in the first round of combat, dealing (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage to each target.
6Star: %7$d%% chance to attack 4 enemies, dealing (%8$d%%+%9$d%%) damage to each target
Free Gift (No details)
Growth Welfare
Once the server reaches %d VIP players, all VIP players can collect this reward
Once the server reaches %d first gold coin purchases, all players that made a first gold coin purchase can collect this reward
1.During the event, you have %1$d free and %2$d paid entries to unlock the Hydra\'s Nest.
2. Troop recovery for all battles in the Hydra\'s Nest is 100%%.
3. Every levels BOSS kill gives a reward.
4.Hydra fragments dropped by the BOSS can be exchanged for items.
5.Participants will be ranked according to their level in the Hydra\'s Nest. The participant who reaches this level first is ranked above the other
You made it to Hydra Nest %1$d on your previous attempt. Use gold coins to continue from the progress of your previous attempt, and immediately acquire all the rewards from BOSS kills, up until this point
守护者礼包 (Guardian gift package)
Protectors Gift
Dismiss Result
This might suggest the snowball event will take place again soon (since they are rearranging where pictures are), possibly this month.
Novice Guardian Sword Modification
Hero Head Modifications
Hero Fragment
Acquired from dismissing heroes. Used in the treasure market
Tap the icon of the hero to not dismiss them
Selected. Please tap the dismiss button
This hero may not be dismissed
[The hero is marching, in training or is garrisoned at the city wall
%1$s made their first gold coin purchase and acquired a powerful hero, the one and only, Bahram the Persian Assassin and countless valuable rewards!
God of Love-Cupid
Arrow of Love: When paired with Psyche, Cupid gains an additional attack each round, dealing 100% damage to a random target(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Soul Link: When paired with Psyche and being attacked, damage taken by Cupid is split evenly with Psyche(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair.
Butterfly Fairy-Psyche
Arrow of Love:When paired with Cupid, Psyche gains an additional attack each round, dealing 100% damage to a random target (Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Soul Link: When paired with Cupid and being attacked, damage taken by Psyche is split evenly with Cupid(Does not stack and may only be active for a single pair).
Entomb: Every attack has a 100% chance to target the enemy unit with the least amount of troops, dealing 110% damage.
Stone Gaze: When Euryale is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Decapitate: Every attack has a 100% chance to target the enemy unit with the least amount of troops, dealing 125% damage.
Stone Gaze: When Euryale is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Eldest Sister-Stheno (Hero Head from 2.3.55 update)
True Power: In the first round of combat, deal 140% damage to an enemy unit with the least amount of troops.
Stone Gaze: When Stheno is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Gorgon-Stheno (Hero Head from 2.3.55 update)
Fatal Blow: In the first round of combat, deal 180% damage to an enemy unit with the least amount of troops.
Stone Gaze: When Stheno is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enemy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Gift of Courage
Purchase gold coins to unlock this gift bag full of luxurious rewards
Beginner's Armour of Protection
Armour forged by the Kingdom, befitting warriors who are preparing for their first battle! It has been blessed by the angels
Beginner's Necklace of Protection
A powerful necklace crafted by the Kingdom, befitting warriors who are preparing for their first battle! It has been blessed by the angels
Blade of Time
(Heading: 波斯王子专属装备时之刃-/Prince of Persia exclusive equipment at the edge -)
A legendary blade that has the ability to alter time. When equipped by Bahram, it enhances the effect of his skill.
4 Star: Every attack has a %1$d%% chance to deal (%2$d%%+%3$d%%) damage to the target
5 Star: Every attack has a %4$d%% chance to deal (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage to the target
6 Star: Every attack has a %7$d%% chance to deal (%8$d%%+%9$d%%) damage to the target
(Heading: 阿喀琉斯专属装备驰空之星-/Achilles exclusive equipment Chi empty Star -)
A spear engulfed in the flames of a meteorite, crafted from the ashes of the fallen star. When equipped by Achilles, it enhances the effect of his skill
4Star: %1$d%% chance to attack 2 enemies, in the first round, dealing (%2$d%%+%3$d%%)damage to each target.
5Star: %4$d%% chance to attack 3 enemies, in the first round of combat, dealing (%5$d%%+%6$d%%) damage to each target.
6Star: %7$d%% chance to attack 4 enemies, dealing (%8$d%%+%9$d%%) damage to each target
Free Gift (No details)
Growth Welfare
Once the server reaches %d first gold coin purchases, all players that made a first gold coin purchase can collect this reward
1.During the event, you have %1$d free and %2$d paid entries to unlock the Hydra\'s Nest.
2. Troop recovery for all battles in the Hydra\'s Nest is 100%%.
3. Every levels BOSS kill gives a reward.
4.Hydra fragments dropped by the BOSS can be exchanged for items.
5.Participants will be ranked according to their level in the Hydra\'s Nest. The participant who reaches this level first is ranked above the other
You made it to Hydra Nest %1$d on your previous attempt. Use gold coins to continue from the progress of your previous attempt, and immediately acquire all the rewards from BOSS kills, up until this point
Protectors Gift
Dismiss Result
This might suggest the snowball event will take place again soon (since they are rearranging where pictures are), possibly this month.
Novice Guardian Sword Modification
Hero Head Modifications
Hero Fragment
Acquired from dismissing heroes. Used in the treasure market
Tap the icon of the hero to not dismiss them
Selected. Please tap the dismiss button
This hero may not be dismissed
[The hero is marching, in training or is garrisoned at the city wall
%1$s made their first gold coin purchase and acquired a powerful hero, the one and only, Bahram the Persian Assassin and countless valuable rewards!
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Yeongnak King-Gwanggaeto
Resistance: In the first round of combat, there is a 100% chance to attack all targets in the same column as the target, dealing 40% damage to each (includes main target).
Triumph:There is a 20% chance to immobilize (unable to attack) each target attacked by Gwanggaeto, for 1 round of combat. This skill has no effect against non-player units
The Great-Gwanggaeto
Annihilate: In the first round of combat, there is a 100% chance to attack all targets in the same column as the target, dealing 60% damage to each (includes main target).
Triumph:There is a 20% chance to immobilize (unable to attack) each target attacked by Gwanggaeto, for 1 round of combat. This skill has no effect against non-player units
Mayhem: Every attack has a 100% chance to cause the target to enter a state of chaos,reducing their attack by 10%. The target will also take 10% damage from Medusa for each round of combat. This effect lasts until the target is killed. Similar effects do not stack.
Stone Gaze: When Medusa is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat
Dominate: Every attack has a 100% chance to cause the target to enter a state of chaos,reducing their attack by 20%. The target will also take 20% damage from Medusa for each round of combat. This effect lasts until the enemy target is killed. Similar effects do not stack.
Stone Gaze: When Medusa is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat,
Lover's Grace
1.You may choose to donate gifts or pray to Venus by offering gold coins. This will grant goodwill points which can be used in the events prize draw.
2. The entire server will be ranked according to the amount of goodwill points each participant has. Ranked rewards will be based on your rank
%1$s donated to Venus
%1$s prayed to Venus
and gained %1$s goodwill points
Yeongnak King-Gwanggaeto
Resistance: In the first round of combat, there is a 100% chance to attack all targets in the same column as the target, dealing 40% damage to each (includes main target).
Triumph:There is a 20% chance to immobilize (unable to attack) each target attacked by Gwanggaeto, for 1 round of combat. This skill has no effect against non-player units
The Great-Gwanggaeto
Triumph:There is a 20% chance to immobilize (unable to attack) each target attacked by Gwanggaeto, for 1 round of combat. This skill has no effect against non-player units
Mayhem: Every attack has a 100% chance to cause the target to enter a state of chaos,reducing their attack by 10%. The target will also take 10% damage from Medusa for each round of combat. This effect lasts until the target is killed. Similar effects do not stack.
Stone Gaze: When Medusa is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat
Dominate: Every attack has a 100% chance to cause the target to enter a state of chaos,reducing their attack by 20%. The target will also take 20% damage from Medusa for each round of combat. This effect lasts until the enemy target is killed. Similar effects do not stack.
Stone Gaze: When Medusa is attacked, there is a 20% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat,
Lover's Grace
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1.You may choose to donate gifts or pray to Venus by offering gold coins. This will grant goodwill points which can be used in the events prize draw.
2. The entire server will be ranked according to the amount of goodwill points each participant has. Ranked rewards will be based on your rank
%1$s donated to Venus
%1$s prayed to Venus
and gained %1$s goodwill points
Lover's Grace,
Thursday, January 1, 2015
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