Protect Athena is a daily event that has two parts. The first being click the Protect button. This will get you a Copper coin bonus every 3 days 5 days or 7 days depending on what your cumulative is up to. Doing this event daily will help you get huge copper coin bonuses. I get between 10k and 34k copper each time I complete the protect portion. But I have been doing it daily for several months. The other portion of the event is the Attack feature. Easy enough click the crossed swords on the bottom right and kill the small number of troops. You can do this three times a day there is a time gap between attacks. The reward for attacks is some Copper coins listed as well as a piece of green equipment.
Events can be seen by going to the present icon on the bottom left. |
Athena can be accessed by clicking her icon along the bottom 5th from left |
you can see the protect button its grey on left. and the attack icon is red on right. |
there is a direct link between the copper coins per battle to the troops you have to defeat for that battle.
480 cc
520 cc 560 troops
560cc-640 troops
640cc-800 troops
680cc-880 troops
720cc-960 troops
760cc-1040 troops
1080cc-1680 troops
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