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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Gold Coins

So I was looking around today hoping for something else to help support my AOWE habit. As this blog just doesn't bring in the $$. And I found a site that will get you a free google play gift card if you can complete so many offers. I haven't completed my point total yet but who knows! hopefully it will get me some free GC!

Earn Gift Cards


  1. How much do you spend on average?

    I'm trying not spend any for a games like these. A decade ago these were free Web based games. Except I don't think this game actually ends? My favorite was a game like this (Web based) totally cutthroat join a team/Legion/clan make lots of alliances kill off all the smaller/weaker alliances. If you got wiped out you were done until the next round started or join another server (there were lots fast/slow etc)

    This all out war continues until there's only 1 Alliance left then war breaks out within until only the original group/clan/team was left. Then they are crowned winner. Was fun I never lasted very long, the fast paced games averaged 2-3 months. No one won by having the biggest wallet.

    Does this game ever end? Or is a never ending series of attacking ppl, collecting resources, upgrading base rinse and repeat?

    1. Depends on how Im feeling. I usually only invest in a server once if at all. This last time I spent $50 and got the 750 GC for server 160. Where leveling your heros is the hardest thing ever :( plus I wanted the recharge hero up to 5* which costs 200GC. No the game never ends it is an endless cycle. New servers slow down ALOT after a few months though. I would say average server life is about 3 months. There are many top players who don't spend loads of gold. But many of the top spend thousands. There are plenty of ways to play with out paying. Theres lots of ways in game to get gold. The Paid hero lottery never gives anything. (i tested not 1 hero out of 500gc spent too much imo). regular lottery also doesn't give anything. Things to spend money on is the daily for sale thats well worth the money. I always buy extra hero slots I like to have 3 legions so at least 12 slots. After the imperial battle the alliance that takes the city usually ends up dominating since it is such a boost to all in alliance.

  2. I always see AOWE hacks for free resources and gold but have not seen any that works,but I know some people are hacking the game and getting this free gold, some of them will charge you $100 for 10k gc. If there's a working Hack, I would love to hear about it...

    1. I too have seen hacks and am sure that some people are using them. I personally have never used a hack. And do not condone hacking the game it makes it less fun.
