The arena gives you 15 free chances a day to advance yourself. Each time you win a battle you receive 10 prestige and 200 each resource. If you lose you still get the 200 each resource just not the prestige. Using the arena is the best way to see how the troops interact with each other.

The arena is easy to use. On the left you see your 4 hero slots (vertical). Click on any of these slots to assign your heros. You have to click save formation on the bottom left before you can challenge. You can change this arrangement at any time just click cancel formation and reassign the heros. In the middle you see the images of heros you can challenge( 5 of them). The hero on the far right is always the hero who is ranked the highest. If you are able to beat a challengers hero then you will take his spot in the ranking. So always try to beat the one on the far right. You could potentially advance 75 places in one day. Every 3 days or so there is also a rank reward available Currently the rank reward is 200 copper coins.
The arena gives you the potential to gain 150 prestige a day.
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Just to add up, no troops are actually killed in arena, no matter you lose or win a fight, you will always get your whole army back after the battle ends, and if you do lose you can still keep going after a few minutes, as long as you have free chances left.
ReplyDeleteCorrect you can even keep your troops equipped in the arena and be able to use them elsewhere as well. Troops just have to be inactive to be "equipped" in the arena then they can go out to pillage and what not. The arena is basically a mines bigger then yours contest where you can show off your army size and how well you are able to arrange your troops.
Deleteafter you reach a certain rank your reward becomes 1000 copper
ReplyDeleteand after you go below 100 you get 2000 copper and one gold every 3 days.
That is the only other way i have found to get gold without actually buying it. if anyone knows any other ways let me know please. this is really frustrating and shows a flawed game. still a good game tho, but that wasn't a good decision
Gold was a treasure reward for high level treasure fields. It was also a reward for finishing top three in maps.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting some weird blue gems from arena. I have no idea what they are used for. Any help?
ReplyDeleteYes if you check the up to date arena post you will see that they are spirit stones(round) and honor spirit stones (square). They are used to upgrade equipment. Hope that helps!
DeleteTry haha. I found what they were used for. Didn't know their names.