I have been receiving a lot of questions on how to rebirth a hero the most effective way. So I created a flow chart to detail the process.
Lvls depicted are the at least values, they can be higher. |
So you will need 14 total heros to make this most effective. Only needing to find 8 of them in the Tavern so not too bad. Starting at the bottom and working your way up. Consumed heros need to be at least lvl 90 to get the maximum growth rate out of them. I will Write this out another way as well to hopefully clarify.
- Start with your basic hero at level 30 he can be rebirthed
- obtain another basic hero same name, get him to lvl 90 and use to rebirth above hero
- this combination gives you a green hero that can be rebirthed at lvl 60
- repeat steps 1&2 to receive another green hero and get him to 90 ans use to rebirth above hero.
- this gives you a Blue hero that can be rebirthed at level 90
- repeat above steps to receive another blue hero that you get to lvl 90 and use him to rebirth above hero
- Viola you now have a purple hero with the max GR available!
Thanks for the excellent description of how this works. One clarification though: I think you 'only' need 8 heroes to do this, not 14.
ReplyDeleteAs I stated above you only need to find 8 in the tavern those 8 will take you up the ladder
ReplyDeleteHoly hell thats gonna take me a while.... And now I'm pi$$ed because I knew none of this, or the fact that your rebirth stats "stack", so I rebirthed all of my heroes at lvl 30 with a lvl 1/0!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHH!
ReplyDeleteWould be great if I could "un-rebirth"...
Thank you though! =) Kudos from GatorWolf on A146
OH! Question about equipment and enhancement during rebirth... What happens to any equipment you had attached to a hero or heroes before rebirth? Do they go away? Do they go back into your inventory? Does CC and GC enhancements on both heroes factor in to the rebirthed hero?
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance!
I have no idea about the equipment as I have never dared to leave the equipment on. I have heard that with enhancements the consumed heros enhancements disappear but the hero being rebirthed will keep enhancements. I have never tried this though so I am not positive. I am also unsure if the enhancements factor in. My guess is no.
DeleteI am on v2.3.23 and just tried this:
DeleteLevel 32 hero, Growth 27, Attack 6, Defense 0, equipped as Cavalry;
Level 92 hero, Growth 27, Attack 0, Defense 6, equipped as Infantry;
Rebirth result:
Level 1 hero, Growth 35, Attack 6, Defense 0, equipped as Cavalry, Infantry gear returned to inventory.
Enhancements do not factor in to the rebirth- only Growth.
Another question. I'm trying to rebirth 2 different 5* heroes, one is "Jack" the pirate and the other is "Winds Son Boreas" (WSB for brevity).
ReplyDeletePrimary hero Jack is lvl 60 GREEN, secondary Jack is lvl 55 GREEN.
Primary WSB is lvl 60 GREEN, secondary is lvl 45 NO REBIRTH.
I cannot rebirth either of them into BLUE heroes. It says "The hero you are improving can not be used as material for rebirth."... What is going on?
are they in the training queue, marching or on the wall? these three things are what usually triggers this message.
DeleteHope you are having a great time in the game as well as in real life Rachel and everyonelse who started this wonderful blog:D..I play in server 175. With the Nick Achilies7! The game has its flaws but I a absolutely adore this game-mainly because if the heroes and World chat.and Alliance chat:D..what I would like to know is that--the best three star hero-the best normal four star hero-the best skilled four star hero-the best normal five star hero,the best skilled five star hero-and the best hero in this whole game:D. Me and my friends actually kind of did a research in heroes-we tested almost every hero on the towers., but just would like to compare our results with yours:Dtnkz in advance.,take care Rachel and everyone in this whole world:D!
DeleteI don't think there is any one best hero in the game they all have their strengths and weaknesses. All players have their own idea of what's best for their team. There is a lot of variety in the top players which argues for the many diffrent styles of game play rather than just which one is best.