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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hydra Event- July 2014

The Hydra event is fairly straight forward. Go into the event and win each battle to advance. like the arena in the hydra event your troops do not die this make advancing very quick. every 10 battles you will be able to face the Hydra. defeating the hydra will give you scales and copper coins. the Scales are redeemable for items generally nothing spectacular. In addition each battle won will gain you points in the ranking where you will get additional prizes. 


  1. Thank You for your work. I have not seen a good explanation how the single resource 20% & all resource 20% buffs work/stack with the Technology Building % increase, Alliance % Increase, and any Imperial City % increase... looking at what is possible to get to the 800k acheivement. Thanks

  2. Yes thank you. This did not help for my question, but I appreciate that someone is trying to help with AOWE.
    I have played this game off and on for many years and every time I start up again there is some confusing s**t that Nothing explains. So thank you for trying!
