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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Angelic Welfare-April 2014

Angelic Welfare is a great event. This event is running whenever you start a new game. The concept is very simple Donate coins to receive more coins. Its their way of trying to get you to buy more coins. They system raises the next donation amount required based on how many coins you have. So the fewer coins you have the fewer you need. For example I donated the 4 required and received 7 I now have 58 Gc my next donation required is 70. The next donation will always be just slightly out of reach (what you have currently times 1.4 rounded down to the nearest whole number). My suggestion is to keep your Gc in your inventory as long as possible and only use what you need. Save them for this event to get maximum benefit out of it.

to use calculator edit the amount in the yellow box to what you are starting with. The amount that is in the top right corner before you collect any welfare. For this calculator I used the highest amount you can receive possible. I did this so that you can ensure that you have enough gold in your inventory to complete the task. Due to this the amount you receive could be less.

I have the calculator made just need to figure out how to get it out to everyone.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blitz 160

As some of you know I have become leader of the Blitz alliance for the server 160. And I thought I would make a helpful guide for many of our new players. Invite code for server 160 5BO9981192.

  1. Do Daily Tasks! At first they will be almost impossible to accomplish but very soon you will be able to do them with ease.
    1. When doing the tower run the bosses. Meaning as soon as you find the bosses kill them. You will get the prestige and resources that a regular battle won't give you. If you are trying to gain levels 5.10 is the best level for this. x.10 on each level offer more prestige then the other levels. and Level 5.10 has a boss with no special attack skill. 
      1. don't hesitate to do levels over that you have already done. If you get stuck on a boss go back a level or two and get the experience. 
      2. Use all that stamina! Stamina replenishes with time, it doesn't accumulate past your allotted amount. so you are loosing stamina in you aren't using it!
    2. When doing the Arena attack right then left until you find someone you can beat. You will gain in the arena faster this way.
  2. Do the Athena event three times a day! this will get you copper coins as well as green equipment to give you an edge. 
  3. Make sure to check on your Achievements at least once a day! there are several of the achievements that only count up to when you collect then start the counter over and that could mean big losses in Prestige for you!
  4. Check into Alliance Chat (ac) when you can see if anyone needs help.
  5. If you are being farmed by a player who you have no hope defending against dump all the resources you can into the alliance contribution. If you have copper coins above your protected limit (listed on your lords page) do the fast gem explore (bottom of gem page) to get rid of it. In this way the player will get bored of the effort and you didn't give them any resources but helped the alliance out a great deal as well as got some good gems.
    1. if this doesn't make a player back off look for an ally near by. Reinforcing helps very very little if at all. It costs 6k copper to reinforce 5% which isn't very much for the cost.
    2. Make sure you have your fortifications built. Don't leave gaps in your fortifications, evenly distribute them.
    3. Keep your extra heros on the wall with 1 catapult each. These troops will be immortal due to the resurrection effects of the wall. This way you will get at least 1 prestige per attack as well as do a little bit of damage at least. 
  6. Training seems to be offering the best experience for the heros. So yes it is worth it! 
  7. Enhancing heros if a bit more iffy, if you plan on rebirthing the hero at some point don't enhance it. I believe the enhancements vanish with the rebirth.
  8. Equipment is a crucial part of the game it greatly adds to your attack and defense. Don't forget to upgrade it often. Market prices are more then double what it costs to farm the resources in the tower.
  9. Resource tiles are a must! Your lords level determines how many wilds and strongholds you can have at any given time. 
  10. Doing the Mission tasks is also a great way to gain prestige to help you level up. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Gold Coins

So I was looking around today hoping for something else to help support my AOWE habit. As this blog just doesn't bring in the $$. And I found a site that will get you a free google play gift card if you can complete so many offers. I haven't completed my point total yet but who knows! hopefully it will get me some free GC!

Earn Gift Cards

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Imperial City- April 2014

Imperial City is a weekly event held on Sundays (server time).  The basics of the event are the same as attacking a player. You have 90 minutes for the battle where the attackers attempt to oust the defenders. If the defenders are defeated then whichever alliance has the most points will gain the city for a week.

Imperial City event can be accessed by clicking on the bottom right. The Imperial City event is usually the event at the bottom. Or by going to the city itself located at 300,300

You can view the applicants by clicking the  applicants button on the bottom left. 

Clicking on Sign up will bring up the application (if your a leader or vice leader).  It takes 5,000 alliance points to register for Imperial battle each week.
I didn't add the picture of the league points it just has the alliances with the most points listed in order. The Individual points is where you can get the most bang for your buck though. On the left is the people points, most recently the reward was 75 personal contribution points per gift. There is a maximum of 40 gifts available per battle. Points seem to be awarded based on how many troops you loose in the battle. To get the maximum people points you would need to loose at least 24,000 troops. There are additional rewards for the top 10 players as well but I haven't made it there yet!
As you can see the prize of controlling the city is much more then just bragging rights.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Protect Athena- April 2014

Protect Athena is a daily event that has two parts. The first being click the Protect button. This will get you a Copper coin bonus every 3 days 5 days or 7 days depending on what your cumulative is up to. Doing this event daily will help you get huge copper coin bonuses. I get between 10k and 34k copper each time I complete the protect portion. But I have been doing it daily for several months. The other portion of the event is the Attack feature. Easy enough click the crossed swords on the bottom right and kill the small number of troops. You can do this three times a day there is a time gap between attacks. The reward for attacks is some Copper coins listed as well as a piece of green equipment.
Events can be seen by going to the present icon on the bottom left.
Athena can be accessed by clicking her icon along the bottom 5th from left
you can see the protect button its grey on left. and the attack icon is red on right. 

there is a direct link between the copper coins per battle to the troops you have to defeat for that battle.
480 cc
520 cc 560 troops
560cc-640 troops
640cc-800 troops
680cc-880 troops
720cc-960 troops
760cc-1040 troops
1080cc-1680 troops

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New update 4/9/14

So my phone took forever to update this game this morning and now that is is finally done I cannot really do anything. The LAG is atrocious. makes the game almost unplayable. In addition they got rid of the queue! Cannot see what buildings are being upgraded, troops you are training, tech you are upgrading or whos attacking you or where you are marching. So as far as I can tell they removed a feature and added a bunch of code to make the game super slow! Supposedly they changed the defense system again but I have yet to test it.

Please report these issues if you are having them as well.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Well as some of you know I am a human being and life happens. As it happens new life just happened in the form of a bouncing baby boy! So needless to say I cannot guarantee that I will be able to update as frequently as I have done in the past but will try to at least get some new stuff up every couple weeks! Thanks for your understanding! I will continue to answer posted questions however :)